Gamifying Wellness

The Story

Making “Bleeding edge” technology fun & approachable to the masses.

With a promised unveil at two major customer events, Blue Goji and their partner Woodway USA needed a product design firm that could quickly create a treadmill integrating bleeding-edge technology and wellness. The design would need to integrate natural torso movement and tracking, bio-feedback, and interaction with virtual reality games developed by Blue Goji and others. In addition to its unique gaming capabilities, this treadmill needed to be designed for traditional training, conditioning, and rehab programs as well as innovative healing games and VR-infused versions for added benefits. A working prototype for the customer events was an absolute must.

"Having an open and direct communication exchanging both good and non-so-good feedback or comments freely with the M3 team is a key success factor of our very productive relationship!" Coleman Fung CEO / Co-Founder, Blue Goji
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The Details

Brand Identity Development

A key aspect with any start-up with a great product idea is not only helping them deliver an exceptional product experience, but also to help them build their brand holistically. M3 designed the brand DNA for the infinity treadmill which emphasizes the strong iconic trapezoid product silhouette within the logo.

logotype / icon


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The Details

Sensor Support Belt Design

As part of the system M3 helped define and then design the patented sensor support belt that helps track body motion which correlates to gameplay to create an even more realistic experience. It also enables people, all ages, shapes and sizes to play a plethora of Infinity VR and 2D games without the fear of falling, a common problem that robs them of daily movements necessary to stay active and healthy.

Bungee Seat Concept Development
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The Details

Handrail Controller Design

Ergonomically optimized the Infinity controllers enable easy adjustability on the handrail to accommodate gripping and interaction preferences.

The controllers are purposely angled at 60 degrees to increase comfort and maximize mobility. Extensive testing and prototyping was carried out before defining the component layout and overall form factor that promotes natural gameplay.

Elevating the Wellness Experience

Treadmills are ubiquitous, and VR is becoming more widely accepted. However, simply combining the two is not enough - the result must be a compelling, enjoyable, and safe experience to keep users coming back for more.

Out-of-Body Experience

Though the user is immersed in the VR experience, ergonomics must still be considered. M3 performed extensive testing to optimize the placement of the handrail and screen.

Back to Reality

Working closely with Woodway USA, a premier treadmill provider, several prototypes were constructed for the annual International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) convention.

Next Level

Hoards of conference attendees made their way to the Blue Goji booth to try out (and watch their friends try out) the next evolution in wellness.

"Futuristically designed with an illuminating blue hue, the virtual treadmill is an eye catcher that will turn any sweat session into a game you’ll enjoy playing over again at sites like upscale gyms, rehabilitation centers, and select commercial businesses."

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