Designing and building an experience like no other.
With the popularity of Top Golf taking the lifestyle and entertainment sectors by storm, two University of Texas-graduates, Nick Hermandorfer and Tyler Bambrick, asked themselves—could there be a different, better experience for fans, friends, work teams and families that maybe aren’t golf fans? Enter Home Run Dugout, a brand-new, one-of-a-kind sports entertainment company with a fresh idea for after-hours activities: a better baseball batting cage! All they needed for success with this terrific idea was a great product and experience design partner to help them evolve it and bring it to life.
Working through our Stakeholder Centered Design process, M3 tested and refined concepts with stakeholders using full scale mock-ups and interfaces before arriving at this unique experience for Dell Diamond (home of the Houston Astros AAA affiliate Round Rock Express) visitors, baseball fans and entertainment enthusiasts.